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Unboxing Glam Game Beauty's Natural Luxury Kit: Your Ultimate Guide to Lash Bundles

  • 1 min read

Hello, lash lovers! We've been getting a lot of questions about whether we offer lash bundles. We're thrilled to announce that yes, we do! And today, we're giving you an exclusive look at our Natural Luxury Kit.

What's Inside the Natural Luxury Kit?

Our Natural Luxury Kit is a triple threat, featuring three distinct pairs of lashes:

  • Very Natural Lash: This lash is all about minimal length but maximum elegance. It's perfect for those who want a subtle yet sophisticated look.
  • Little Lash: This lash is wispy and fuller at the base, making it ideal for a natural yet noticeable look.
  • Baby Lash: This is our most popular lash, offering a full, round look that's perfect for everyday wear.

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Magnetic Liquid Liner Included

No lash kit would be complete without our magnetic liquid liner in black. The brush tip allows for easy application, and the magnetic properties ensure your lashes stay put all day long.

Customize Your Own Bundle?

We're considering offering a feature where you can customize your own lash bundle. Would this interest you? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

We hope this unboxing has given you a closer look at our Natural Luxury Kit. Whether you're new to magnetic lashes or a seasoned pro, this kit has something for everyone.


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