Orders are processed after your payment is approved and the receiving address is verified.
Delivery Estimates are based on two factors: order processing time and time in transit. For most orders, this process begins once your online order has been submitted. Depending on the time you place your order, the order process might not start until the following business day. Business hours are Monday-Friday from 9am - 5pm, excluding United States federal holidays. During peak periods you may experience longer than average order processing time.
Orders are not shipped on US federal holidays including the following for 2022:
New Year’s Day: Saturday, Jan. 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Monday, Jan. 17
Presidents Day: Monday, Feb. 21
Memorial Day: Monday, May 30
Juneteenth National Independence Day: Monday, June 20 (observed)
Independence Day: Monday, July 4
Labor Day: Monday, Sept. 5
Columbus Day: Monday, Oct. 10
Veterans Day: Friday, Nov. 11
Thanksgiving: Thursday, Nov. 24
Christmas: Monday, Dec. 26 (observed)
Shipping Delivery Estimates
Standard shipping in the continental United States is generally 5-7 business days.
Expedited shipping in the continental United States is generally within 2-3 business days.